Sunday, November 8, 2015

Steven Universe: Homomania Propaganda?

Artistic Layman gives his gripes about his current favorite TV show: 
Steven Universe
Show Created by: Rebecca Sugar
Show Owned by: Cartoon Network

1 comment:

  1. It seems like your letting fan responses to the show colour your own response. Isn't that kind of detracting from the show as an artistic work? Tying it to the reactions of its community rather than its own content?

    Personally, I find the lesbian interpretation a little funny. Part of what makes the gems so interesting to me is how their very nature raises interesting questions about our language and interpretation.

    Sure, on a superficial level they're female - but at the same time, they're non-organic space-rocks. "Male" or "female" don't really apply. Our language (heck, our society) just isn't built with that sort of being in mind.
